Mastering C++: A Comprehensive Quiz Based on 'Thinking in C++' 2024 - Free C++ Practice Questions and Study Guide

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Under what condition may you show or demonstrate the CD content?

During a live presentation as long as material is attributed to MindView, Inc.

You may show or demonstrate the CD content during a live presentation as long as the material is attributed to MindView, Inc. This means that you must acknowledge and give credit to MindView, Inc. as the source of the content during the presentation. Option B is incorrect because it allows for the CD content to be used in any public setting without any attribution. This would not give proper credit to MindView, Inc. Option C is incorrect because it restricts showing or demonstrating the CD content to only private settings, which may limit its reach and audience. Option D is incorrect because it does not require any attribution to MindView, Inc., which goes against the terms stated in option A.

In any public setting without restriction

Only in private settings

Anytime, without needing to attribute the content to MindView, Inc.


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